
Scrap Shredders

The strength and power of the industrial slow-speed shredders are exactly what you need when it comes to scrap recycling jobs. The high-quality, high-torque shredders are equipped with heavy-duty knives that have some of the strongest biting force in the industry, giving them the power needed to rip right into thick and solid materials rendering them into a pile of scrap. These shredders are versatile machines that can be used for a wide range of applications, including high-volume magnesium sprue, aluminum, copper, and even the reduction of titanium plate and sheet stock, one of the toughest applications in the industry. These machines are engineered to increase throughput during the job while also reducing time, labor, handling, and maintenance costs thanks to the shredders’ reliable serviceability and durability.

Slow-Speed Shredders for Metal Recycling

These high-torque slow-speed shredders can effectively accomplish large quantities of scrap shredding in bulk. They are best suited for working in landfills and for large-scale operations that require optimal strength and versatility. These shredders are known for their flexibility as they can handle all types of materials of different shapes and sizes, including baled aluminum, switching gears, ACSR cable, telecommunications equipment, and industrial, military, and consumer electronics. Once these materials enter the shredder, the machine’s heavy-duty knives easily rip right into the items, pulling them to pieces and depositing them in piles. For an even greater advantage while out in the yard, these shredder machines are equipped with tracked chassis that allow them to be transported anywhere on the job, bringing a whole new level of mobility and maneuverability to the industry.

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